publications (selected)
essays & flash memoir
“A Vision for the Coming Year,” Short Reads, 2024; On the Seawall, 2018.
“Small Animal Needs,” On the Seawall, 2020.
“How Do We Grieve the Hundreds of Thousands of People the COVID-19 Pandemic Has Killed?”
Christian Century Magazine, 2020.
“March 23, 2020,” “Minecraft Ars Poetica,” “For the Record,” “The Doll,” On the Seawall, 2020.
“How the Sausage Is Made,” “Dispatch,” On the Seawall, 2019.
Regular contributor to Image online (“Good Letters”) from December 2018 to December 2019,
with the following essays:
“A Wilderness of Her Own,” Good Letters, Image, 2018.
“Faith Is Found Here: New Year’s Intentions for Artists,” Good Letters, Image, 2019.
“Witness and Permission: On Seeing and Being Seen in Life and Art,” Good Letters, Image, 2019.
“So Who Mothers the Mothers,” Good Letters, Image, 2019.
“I Don’t Want to Be This Kind of Hero,” Good Letters, Image, 2019.
“What Poetry Can Teach Us About Parenting in the Age of Trump,” Good Letters, Image, 2019.
“Mid-April Book of Days,” On the Seawall, 2018.
“Battles,” Tupelo Quarterly, 2017. Finalist for Prose Open Prize.
“‘Don't Let Me Down’: Eleven Facts About the Beatles',” Pine Hills Review, 2017.
“Birthday Poem,” “Threshold,” “Before the Invention of Regret,” “A Set of Preferences.” Under a Warm Green Linden, 2023.
“The Dog and Cat Circus.” Pithead Chapel, 2022. Nominated for Best of the Net, September 2023.
“Come On,” “Character Sonnet,” “How Wondrous Strange to Be in a Body,” “Trying to Write a Poem While
Reading the Children’s Encyclopedia,” “Some Meat for Your Trouble,” Folder Magazine, 2022.
“News: An American Haibun,” Rise Up Review, 2022.
“Spring Tercets,” “Therapy in a Box.” the tiny, 2019.
“In the ocean with my brother, I wonder,” Zócalo Public Square, 2019.
“I Am Strange Here,” Reservoir, 2018.
“Poem-a-Day: When We Were Fearsome,” Academy of American Poets, 2018.
“While Watching Ice Dancing, I Contemplate Mortality,” Zócalo Public Square, 2018.
“A Day in the Life,” “Pink Moon Self-Portrait,” “Fortuitous Poem,” The Tiny, 2017.
“Heavy Bonnet,” “A Bridge Too Far,” “A Sort of Crackling,” Vinyl Poetry and Prose, 2017.
“Close Encounters,” “[I wanted him home],” “Cupid,” “[In New York sometimes],” South Dakota Review, 2017.
“Time to Wake Up, I Guess,” Zocálo Public Square, 2016.
“April 30th,” “Middle Age,” “How Not to Read Richard Scarry’s Busy, Busy Town at the End of a Long Day,” The Virginia Normal, 2016.
“Creature Report,” with Todd J. Colby, Open Letters Monthly, 2016.
“How to Make Movements,” “Unequal Bittersweet,” Posit: A Journal of Literature and Art, 2015.
“Crown,” Open Letters Monthly, 2014.
“Slow Crescendo,” “Fragments,” “On the Delicate and Non-Delicate Movements of Weather and Time,” “Fragments (2),”
South Dakota Review, 2013.
"The Field," Poetry International, 2012.
articles & book reviews
“Interview with Cynthia Arrieu-King about her hybrid-form book The Betweens,” Tupelo Quarterly, Fall 2021.
“Claudia Rankine’s Refusal of the Mask: Post-9/11 Poetics and the Anti-Persona,” A Sense of Regard: Essays on Poetry and Race,
edited by Laura McCullough, University of Georgia Press, 2015.
“Review of James Schuyler’s Other Flowers: Uncollected Poems,” Pleiades, 2011.
“Gothic Signifying in Charles Chesnutt’s Mandy Oxendine,” MELUS, 2009.
“Mystery and Urgency: A Review of Jean Valentine’s Little Boat,” Pleiades, 2008.