October News! Poem-a-Day/Chapbook from Ethel/Upcoming CNF course

Hello! I’m thrilled to have a poem up in the Academy of American Poets Poem-a-Day series. (And many thanks to this month’s guest editor, Ross Gay, for soliciting a poem from me.)

You can see the poem, read a bit of context for it, and listen to audio of it here.

The poem also happens to be the title piece from a forthcoming chapbook from Ethel Zine, which will be out this month. You can order the chapbook here, and it will be shipped within a week or two. More information about the Ethel Zine is available here.

Finally, my proposal for another online course for Creative Nonfiction was just accepted, and the course will begin in January. I will be teaching a course in “Writing the Lyric Essay: When Nonfiction and Poetry Play.” We will read work that exists in the space between essay and poetry, and investigate what poetry can teach us about writing personal essays. The course listing should be up on their website next week.

You can also sign up for my newsletter at https://tinyletter.com/JoannaPennCooper.

Here’s to October!